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 A recollection of balance patches from the dates of 3/11/21 -> 4/8/21.
Please bare in mind some translations below may not be entirely in-game accurate.
Thank you for your understanding.

If there are any errors or inconsistencies, whether in game or on this thread
please ping [FO]Nata in the official discord with any errors found.




3/11 - Burst

[Ground Explosion] / [Target Explosion] now count as [Aerial / Back]. (Excluding PVP) 
- While casting the skill acquire 40% damage reduction. (Excluding PVP) 
- The attack range of [Ground Explosion] / [Target Explosion] / [Maximum Burst] has been increased. (Excluding PVP)

3/11 - EX Shock Wave
- [EX Shock Wave] counts as Chase. (Excluding PVP)

[Master Effects Change]
- Effect added: Reduces the cooldown of [Fire Grinder] when used. (Excluding PVP)

3/11 - EX Shot
- The attack range of [EX Shot] has been increased. (Excluding PVP)

3/11 - Focus Fire
- Information regarding [Bloom]'s effects on [Focus Fire] have been added to the [Bloom] skill description.
- The attack range of [Air Bombardment] has been increased.

3/11 - Point Blank
- [Point Blank] counts as Chase. 
- The attack speed of [Point Blank] have been increased. 
- The attack range of [Additional Bombing] / [Failed Grapple, Bombing] / [Zero Distance Pursuit] has been increased. 

- The damage of [Additional Bombing] / [Failed Grapple, Bombing] have been increased. 
- The damage of [Zero Distance Pursuit] have been increased. 
- Become invincible during [Grabbing Attack]. (Excluding PVP) 

- The [Additional Bombing] attack that is triggered when the down arrow key is pressed has been unified as [Failed Grapple, Bombing].

3/11 - Rank 2 Special Move: Sword Meteor
- Information regarding [Bloom]'s effects on [Rank 2 Special Move: Sword Meteor]  have been added to the [Bloom] skill description. 
- Damage of [Swordplay] has been increased. (Excluding PVP)

3/11 - Rank 3 Special Move: Combustion
-  The attack range of  [Fire Damage] has been increased.

3/11 - Rank 4 Special Move: Supernova
- [Rank 4 Special Move: Supernova] counts as Aerial.
- All damages from [Rank 4 Special Move: Supernova] have been increased.

3/11 - Sky Slash
- The attack range of all versions of [Sky Slash] have been increased.
- Information regarding [Bloom]'s effects on [Sky Slash] have been added to the [Bloom] skill description.



3/25 - Clothesline
- Using skill without pressing the front arrow, using the directional buttons makes it possible to adjust the distance traveled of [Grab and Downward Strike].
(If there is no direction key input, use it in place) (Excluding PVP)

- The attack range of [Grab and Downward Strike] is increased. (Excluding PVP)
- [Grab and Downward Strike] has had its Super Armor Level while casting increased to 5. (Excluding PVP)
- All attacks count as Aerial. (Excluding PVP)

- The damage of [Grab and Downward Strike] is increased. (Excluding PVP)
- [Triple Point] is unified into [Zenith].

4/8 - Clothesline
- Changed so that the distance can be adjusted according to the input. (Excluding PVP)
Existing: Forcibly moved when activating Clothesline after entering the directional key.
Change: The distance of Clothesline is directly corresponding to the input and timing of the directional key.

3/25 - Empowered State: J
- The skill has been adjusted so that the Wolves Fighting Spirit buff is applied faster.
- The [Physical Defense Penetration] option has been removed and the value of the [Physical Crit Damage] buff has been increased.

3/11 - EX Biomagnetism
- While casting [EX Biomagnetism] become [Invincible]. (Excluding PVP)
- [Energy Wave]'s damage factor has been changed.
- [Energy Wave] now appears on the skill tooltip.
- After using [EX Biomagnetism] become invincible for 2 seconds. (Excluding PVP)

3/25 - EX Hundred Fists
- The duration of the [Don't Look Back] buff is increased. (10 seconds → 30 seconds)
- The cooldown of the skill has been reduced. (Excluding PVP)

- Movement speed while using the skill has been increased. (Excluding PVP)
- Skill has been changed to be affected by Attack Speed. (Excluding PVP)
- Number of hits has been changed. (Excluding PVP)

3/11 - EX Kung Fu Hustle
[Master Effects Change]
- Dragon Kick stockpile increased from 1 > 2.
- Skill has been adjusted so that 2 stacks of Dragon Kick are acquired on cast.

3/25 - EX Kung Fu Hustle
- Counts as Back. (Excluding PVP)
- Skill damage is increased. (Excluding PVP)

3/25 - Full Body Massage
- The time you are unable to act has been reduced.
- While casting Full Body Massage movement speed increases. (Excluding PVP)

3/25 - Groundbreaker
- When using a skill while holding down the up arrow key, [Nail Down] is changed to home the enemy.

[Expert Effect Change]
- [Physical Defense Penetration] is changed to [Aerial Damage Increase] 15%.

3/11 - Hit the Deck
- [Double Hook] damage factor has been changed.
- [Uppercut] damage factor has been changed.

3/25 - Hit the Deck
- Has been adjusted so that the forward distance traveled can be adjusted more easily than before with directional keys. (Excluding PVP)
- The attack range of [Double Hook] is increased. (Excluding PVP)
- [Triple Pulse] is unified into [Zenith].

3/25 - Improved Constitution
- Information regarding [Improved Constitution]'s effects on [Hit the Deck] have been added to the [Improved Constitution] skill description.
- Information regarding [Improved Constitution]'s effects on [Neck Grab] have been added to the [Improved Constitution] skill description.
- Information regarding [Improved Constitution]'s effects on [Full Body Massage] have been added to the [Improved Constitution] skill description.

3/25 - Neck Grab
- When failing to catch an enemy, the Super Armor duration has been extended.
- The skill detail [Catching Failure - Punch] has been changed to [Catch Failure].
- The skill range of [Neck Grab] has been increased. (Excluding PVP)

[Change Master Effect]
- [Physical Defense Penetration Rate] is changed to additional [Physical Critical Damage] 30%.

3/25 - Punch Through
- The range of [Dragon Kick] has been increased. (Excluding PVP)
- The maximum number of [Dragon Kick] stacks is increased to 3 stacks.
- The number of stacks of [Anion Punch] is increased to 2 stacks. (Excluding PVP)

3/25 - Rank 1 Special Move: Morning Aerobics
- When using the skill in the air, the attack range is increased. (Excluding PVP)
- Shockwave (when used in the air) description is added to the skill details.

3/25 - Rank 2 Special Move: Last Hurrah
- The damage of [Releasing Fighting Spirit] has been increased.
- [Releasing Fighting Spirit] count as as Back / Chase. (Excluding PVP)

- When using the skill, acquire a stack of [Traces of Heyday] buff. 
(Physical Power 300, Physical Crit Damage 5%)
(Physical Power +50, Physical Crit Damage +5% per stack) (Excluding PVP)

- When casting the skill, 1 stack of [Punch Through] is immediately recharged. (Excluding PVP)
- [Last Hurrah] The Physical Damage Dealt portion of the buff has been increased. (10% → 15%)

3/25 - Rank 3 Special Move: Swan Song
- The damage of [Storm] has been increased. (Excluding PVP)
- [Storm] counts as Back. (Excluding PVP)

[Change Master Effect]
- [Physical Defense Penetration] has been changed to [Aerial Crit Damage].

3/11 - Rank 4 Special Move: Second Prime
- The [First Phase Class] damage factor has been changed.

3/25 - Rank 4 Special Move: Second Prime
- Changed to be affected by Attack Speed.
- Has been adjusted so that [Forced Cancel: J] can be used while the skill is active.

[Master Effect Change]
- [Rank 2 Special Move: Last Hurrah] 
cooldown reduction has been changed to a complete reset.

3/11 - Sonic Jab
- When cast in the air, the skill automatically attacks in a straight line forward. When the Down Arrow is held, the attack is angled downward.
- The [Punch] damage factor has been changed.

3/25 - Sonic Jab
- The [Physical Defense Penetration] stat on the [Sound from the Hand] buff has been changed to [Aerial Crit Damage]. (3% per per stack 3%) 

[Expert effect change]
- The Expert Cube has been changed to Increase Back Damage by 30%.
- [Double Zenith] is changed to [Zenith].
- [Zenith]'s damage increases relative to the level of [Special Move: Last Hurrah] and [Special Move: Second Prime].

4/8 - Sonic Jab
- [Zenith]'s 'When the target's HP 50% or less, damage increase 30%' has been changed to 'When HP is 10% or less, damage increase 30%'.
- [Zenith] damage has been adjusted.



4/8 - Einheri Mode
- Information regarding [Einheri Mode]'s effects on [Tempest] have been added to the [Einheri Mode] skill description.
- Information regarding [Einheri Mode]'s effects on [Magic Lance: Fenrir] have been added to the [Einheri Mode] skill description.

3/11 - EX Aegis Rush
- The skill range of EX Aegis Rush has been greatly increased. (Excluding PVP)

3/11 - EX Air Lance
[Expert Effect Change]
- Increase damage dealt to enemies below 15% HP by 75%
   → Increase damage dealt to enemies below 50% HP by 50%

- Back Attack Critical Damage 20% → Back Attack Critical Damage 15%
- Added Chase Critical Damage 15%.

4/8 -EX Air Lance
- Skill cooldown has been reduced. (Excluding PVP)

3/11 - EX Mjolnir
- The skill range of EX Mjolnir has been greatly increased. (Excluding PVP)
- The attack speed of EX Mjolnir has been increased. (Excluding PVP)

3/11 - Laevateinn
[Change Master Effect]
- Changed so that each cast is a Sword of Frenzy Summon.
- The damage factor for Sword of Frenzy Summon has been changed.

4/8 -Magic Lance: Fenrir
[Expert Effect Change]
- [Magic Defense Penetration] and [Magic Crit Rate] stats have been changed to [Back Crit Damage], and [Aerial Crit Damage].

[Change Master Effect]
- The reduce maximum HP effect has been changed to count as [Back / Chase]. (Excluding PVP)

4/8 -Magic Lance: Fenrir : Awakening
- The reduce maximum HP effect has been changed to count as [Back / Chase]. (Excluding PVP)

3/11 - Magic Lance: Midgard
- Skill cooldown has changed from a fixed 8 seconds to fixed 7. (Excluding PVP)
- When Einheri Mode can be activated, the skill icon is changed to the enhanced version.

4/8 -Magic Lance: Midgard
- Firestorm (E Mode) counts as [Back]. (Excluding PVP)
- Fire Storm (E mode)'s damage has been increased. (Excluding PVP)

3/11 - Magic Lance: Muspelheim
- Skill cooldown has changed from a fixed 11 seconds to fixed 8. (Excluding PVP)
- When Einheri Mode can be activated, the skill icon is changed to the enhanced version.

[Expert effect change]
- Damage during Empowered State increased from 5% → 10%.
- Magic Lance: Muspelheim counts as Chase. ( including PVP )

4/8 -Magic Lance: Muspelheim
- Whirlwind (E mode) counts as [Back]. (Excluding PVP)

3/11 - Magic Lance: Niflheim
- Skill cooldown has changed from a fixed 14 seconds to fixed 9. (Excluding PVP)
- When Einheri Mode can be activated, the skill icon is changed to the enhanced version.

4/8 - Magic Lance: Niflheim
- The Giant Frozen Fang (E Mode) counts as [Back]. (Excluding PVP)

3/11 - Rank 1 Special Move: Gungnir
[Change master effects]
- Magic Crit Damage bonus has been increased from15% → 30%.
- Aerial Damage Bonus has been increased from 15% → 30%.

4/8 - Rank 1 Special Move: Gungnir
- Rank 1 Special Move: Gungnir counts as Back.

3/11 - Rank 2 Special Move: Ragnarok
- Additional AoE Explosion's damage factor has been changed.

[Expert effect change]
- Magic defense penetration rate 20% effect and description has been deleted.
- Magic critical damage has been added by 20%.
- Rank 2 Special Move: Ragnarok counts as Chase.

4/8 - Rank 4 Special Move: Yggdrasil
- Skill damage is increased. (Excluding PVP)
- The advanced cube has had a description added regarding Magic Lance: Muspelheim.

3/11 - Release!
- Skill cooldown has been changed from fixed 7 seconds → fixed 9 seconds. (Excluding PVP)

4/8 - Release!
- When using Release! the cooldown of Tempest is reset. (Excluding PVP)

3/11 - Tempest
- The Spinning Attacks damage factor is changed.

4/8 - To Me!
- The Magic Crit Chance buff has been changed to Back Attack Crit Damage.



3/11 - Endless Pursuit
- When casting the skill, the first attack has been improved to be affected by the direction key input.

3/25 - EX Guillotine
- EX Guillotine counts as Chase. (Excluding PVP)

3/25 - EX Punishment
- The judgement of [Super Close Cross-Slash] has been adjusted.
- The damage of [Super Close Cross-Slash] has been increased. (Excluding PVP)
- The attack range of [Super Close Cross-Slash] is increased.

3/25 - EX Torrent of Pain
- EX Torrent of Pain counts as Chase. (Excluding PVP)
- Skill cooldown has been reduced. (Excluding PVP)

3/25 - Lunatic Explosion
- Lunatic Explosion counts as Chase. (Excluding PVP)

3/11 - Night Hunt
- When casting the skill, the first attack has been improved to be affected by the direction key input.

3/25 - Night Hunt
- Skill cooldown has been reduced. (Excluding PVP)
- The attack range of [Superfast Multi Slash] is increased.

[Expert Effect Change]
- Aerial Crit Rate stat is changed to Back Attack Crit Damage 15%.

3/25 - Rank 1 Special Move: Purgatory
- The damage of [Phase Force Storm] has been increased. (Excluding PVP)

3/25 - Rank 2 Special Move: Infinite Hell
- The damage of [Rushing Rush] has been increased. (Excluding PVP)

[Change Master Effect]
- The inferno hell buff has been removed, and instead, the stats are passively gained through leveling the skill.

4/8 - Rank 2 Special Move: Infinite Hell
-  After being promoted to Special Crew, if you use [Wild Charge] until the end, [EX Torrent of Pain]'s cooldown will be reset. (Excluding PVP)
- The damage of [Wild Charge] is increased. (Excluding PVP)

3/25 - Rank 3 Special Move: Fireworks
The [Master Effect Change]
- [Physical Defense Penetration] stat has been changed to [Aerial Critical Damage].

3/25 - Rank 4 Special Move: Hades
- The stats of Hades's buff will increase relative to the level of Rank 4 Special Move: Hades.
* Physical Crit Damage per skill level : 3%
* Back Crit Damage per skill level : 2%
* Damage Dealt per skill level : 1%

- [Condense Phase Force], [Release Rampaging Phase Force], and [Release Rampaging Phase Force] count as Chase.
- The damage of [Release Rampaging Phase Force] and [Release Rampaging Phase Force] has been increased.



4/8 - EX Fang Stab
- Changed to be affected by attack speed.

[Expert Effect Change]
- The Otherworldly Venom Fang (When consuming Apophis stacks / per hit), is changed to Direct Damage.
- The Otherworldly Venom Fang (When consuming Apophis stacks / per hit) damage factor has been changed.

[Change Master Effect]
- EX Fang Stab counts as Chase.

4/8 - EX Horn Smash
- Skill has been adjusted to face the opposite direction after each motion.

3/11 - Mamushi Swamp
[Change master cube contents]
- Damage increase by 5% for all types is changed to Incoming Damage 5%.

4/8 - Rank 3 Special Move: Judgment Star
- [Ultra High Temperature] and [Judgement] have their attack damage factors changed.



4/8 - EX Sonic Boom
[Change Master Effect]
- When casting [Down Kick], [Kawaragoma] is cast.
- The [Kawaragoma] attack counts as Direct Damage. (Excluding PVP)

4/8 - EX Zephyr Combination
- Skill Attack Cast time reduced from 2 seconds → 1.
- [Wild Attacks] attack damage factor has been changed.

4/8 - Rank 4 Special Move: Fortuna Revelation
[Expert effect change]
- The probability of drawing a Joker card has been increased from 33% → 80%.

4/8 - Ventus Impact
- [Bonus Charge]'s damage factor has been changed.



4/8 - Close Combat
[Change master effects]
- [Deep Stab], [Shotgun Slash] counts as Back.

3/11 - EX Close Combat
- The [C4 Explosion] damage factor has been changed.
- EX Close Combat counts as Back.

4/8 - EX Sharp Shooting
- The skill has been changed so additional attacks occur automatically.

[Expert Effect Change]
- 'By hitting the skill key repeatedly' description has been deleted.

4/8 - Heat Shot
- [Heat Shot - Stage 2]'s number of required Overheat stacks has been reduced from 3 → 1.
- [Heat Shot - Stage 3]'s number of required Overheat stacks has been reduced from 6 → 3.

4/8 - Imaginary Horizon
- When revived, [Battlefield Adaptation] instantly becomes the maximum amount.

4/8 - Phantom Snipe
- After being promoted to Special Crew, when [Phantom Snipe] is cast, the cooldown of [Heat Shot] reset. (Excluding PVP)

4/8 - Rank 4 Special Move: Fatal Device
[Advanced Effect Change]
- [Remote Aiming Support]'s buff duration has been increased from 50 seconds to 100 seconds.
- During the duration of the [Remote Aiming Support], when [Heat Shot - Stage 3 (Air Strike)] (Holding [Up Arrow] while casting) is cast, an additional small laser is summoned.

4/8 - Rapid Fire
- While casting Rapid Fire become Invincible. (Excluding PVP)



4/8 - Exceed Pulse
- Exceed Pulse cooldown has been changed from a fixed 12 seconds to a fixed 10 seconds. (Excluding PVP)

[Change Master Effect]
- When the skill is cast, the Phase Power recovered has been increased from 10% → 25%.

4/8 - Hyde!
[Advanced effect change]
- A description is added that the certain effects do not apply in Union Arena.

[Change Expert effects]
- HP threshold effect lowered from 80% → 50%.

[Change Master Effect]
- Has been changed to simultaneously deal equal amounts of Physical as Magical damage. (10260%)

4/8 - Hyde! : Awakening
- After connecting, the Critical Damage resistance decreased has been increased (10% → 20%). 
- The 'reduce 1% of Max HP' effect has been removed.



3/25 - Book of Release
- After casting the [Summon: Eligos]'s [True: Aggressive Strike], [True: Red Lotus Strike], or [True: Storm Strike],
[Foggy Moon Strike] attack is activated automatically. (Excluding PVP)

3/25 - Breaking Strike
[Expert effect change]
- [Large / Building / Transcendental damage increased] stats have been changed to
[Aerial / Back / Chase Chase Crit Damage].

3/25 - Dark Portals
- When the skill is cast, invicible status is applied for 2s. (Excluding PVP)

[Expert Effect Change]
- Dark Portals counts as Chase.

3/25 - Rank 2 Special Move: Belial
- Skill's cooldown has been reduced.

3/25 - Rank 3 Special Move: Inferno
- Skill's cooldown has been reduced.

3/25 - Rank 4 Special Move: Release Shub
[Change Expert effects]
- When [Rank 2 Special Move: Belial] is cast reduces the cooldown of [Rank 4 Special Move: Release Shub] and [Waning Moon Strike] by 7 seconds.

- When [Rank 3 Special Move: Inferno] is cast reduces the cooldown of [Rank 4 Special Move: Release Shub] and [Waning Moon Strike] by 8 seconds.

[Add Master Cube]
- When [Summon – Eligos] is cast reduces the cooldown of [Rank 4 Special Move: Release Shub] by 1s.

3/25 - Ritual – Dark Matter
- After being promoted to Special Agent, the [Barrier Field]'s damage factor is changed. (Excluding PVP)
- After being promoted to Special Agent, the [Barrier Release]'s damage factor is changed. (Excluding PVP)

3/25 - Ritual – Iron Teeth
- After being promoted to Special Agent, the damage factor of [Legion's Spear Stab] will be changed. ( Except PVP )
- After being promoted to Special Agent, the [Legion's Spear Reverse Stab] damage factor is changed. (Excluding PVP)

3/25 - Summon – Eligos
- After Eligos is summoned, the skill icon will change to reflect that.

3/25 - Waning Moon Strike
- Waning Moon Strike's cooldown has been reduced.

[Advanced Effect Change]
- Additional input has been adjusted to occur automatically.



4/8 - EX Sky Breaker
- Skill cooldown is reduced. (Excluding PVP)

4/8 - Karma
- Karma's damage has been increased. (Excluding PVP)

3/11 - Lightning Dance
[Change Master Effect]
- Indra's Authority: Divine Spear's duration is increased to 30 seconds.

4/8 - Lightning Dance
- The damage of [Lightning Dance - Thunder] has been increased. (Excluding PVP)

4/8 - Rank 3 Special Move: Divine Light
- Rank 3 Special Move: Divine Light has been changed to be affected by attack speed.

4/8 - Two Moons
- Two Moons counts as Chase. (Excluding PVP)
- Two Moons damage has been increased. (Excluding PVP)



3/25 - Apophis' Restraint
- When casting the skill, the distance traveled has been adjusted.
- When casting a skill, become invincible. (Excluding PVP)

3/25 - Bastet's Mercy
- Changed to be affected by attack speed. (Excluding PVP)
- The damage of [Unload], [Claws are Deadly] is increased. (Excluding PVP)
- The attack range of [Rush] is increased. (Excluding PVP)

3/25 - EX Anubis's Judgment
- EX Anubis's Judgment counts as Chase. (Excluding PVP)

[Expert Effect Change]
- Skill chain coundition has been reduced from 3 to 2 times.

3/25 - EX Horus's Assault
- EX Horus's Assault counts as Chase. (Excluding PVP)
- An icon indicating whether to use [Seth's Iron Fist] and [This area belongs to Seth!] is added.

4/8 - EX Horus's Assault
[Change advanced effects]
- When [Feral Release] is cast, the cooldown of [EX Horus's Assault] is reset. (Excluding PVP)

3/25 - EX Nephthys's Grace
[Advanced Effect Change]
- After [Chain Pull], the [Roar!!] is automatically cast.

4/8 - Feral Release
- Feral Release has been changed to be affected by attack speed. (Excluding PVP)

3/25 - Finishing Move: Osiris' Mortality
- Finishing Move: Osiris' Mortality has been changed to be affected by attack speed. ( Except PVP )
- Finishing Move: Osiris' Mortality attack range has been increased. (Excluding PVP)

4/8 - Finishing Move: Osiris' Mortality
- Skill cooldown is reduced. (Excluding PVP)

3/25 - Finishing Move: Rising Obelisk
- The buff has been adjusted to scale with the skill level of [Finishing Move: Rising Obelisk].

3/25 - Finishing Move: The Ennead's Requiem
- Finishing Move: The Ennead's Requiem counts as Chase.
- The damage of Finishing Move: The Ennead's Requiem has been increased.

4/8 - Finishing Move: The Ennead's Requiem
- The final motion of Finishing Move: The Ennead's Requiem has been changed to be affected by attack speed.
- When the skill is cast, the distance traveled has been adjusted.

3/25 - March of Isis
- March of Isis has been changed to be affected by attack speed. (Excluding PVP)

3/25 - Medjed's Sight
- Medjed's Sight counts as Chase. (Excluding PVP)
- The damage of [Thorn Spear], [Thorn Spear - Additional Emergence] have been increased. (Excluding PVP)

4/8 - Neith's Ruling
- The damage of [Shadow Claw Strike] and [Beast's Claw Strike (When in [Feral Release] state)] have been increased. (Excluding PVP)

3/25 - Serket's Stigma
- The damage of [Thorn], [Super Thorn], and [Thorn Explosion] has been increased. (Excluding PVP)
- Skill casting speed is improved. (Excluding PVP)

4/8 - Serket's Stigma
- The damage of [Thorn], [Super - Thorn], and [Thorn Burst] have been increased. (Excluding PVP)
- Skill cooldown is reduced. (Excluding PVP)

3/25 - Thoth's Levy
- The damage of [Stab] has been increased. (Excluding PVP)



4/8 - Mercy - Desperado
- The skill is changed so that it is always enhanced regardless of stance.
- Skill damage is increased.
- Skill cast speed is increased.

4/8 - Mercy - Silencer
- After reching Resolver, all attacks of the skill are applied as Direct Damage.

[Expert Effect Change]
- Aerial crit damage increase stat has been added to the skill.

[Change Master Effect]
- Mercy - Silencer counts as [Aerial/Back Attack/Chase].
(Applied at all times regardless of stance)

4/8 - Tactical Stance
- [Pistol Brandishing] and [Shotgun Trigger]'s damage has been increased.



4/8 - Counting Stars
- The damage of [Starlight Scatter - Finish] has been increased.

4/8 - Dusk Shroud
- The damage of [Twilight Liberation] has been increased.
- The maximum number of stacks of the [Setting Sun] buff has been reduced. (30 times → 20 times )
- The stats of [Setting Sun] have been increased.

4/8 - Finishing Move: Cover of Shadows
- [Finishing Move: Cover of Shadows] damage has been increased.
- The skill has been adjusted to be affected by attack speed.


4/8 - Twilight Sunder
- The damage of skills except [Shadow - Twilight Severance] is increased.

[Expert Effect Change]
- Twilight Sunder counts as Chase.

4/8 - Weeping Sky
- The damage of [Draw Sky] and [Call Sky] have been increased.


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