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Posts posted by Miia

  1. 2 hours ago, Bairin said:

    Hello, can I join your team, I'm just a newbie in this game? I am an Asian player

    IGN: Bairin
    Member/Guest: Member
    Discord: #5989
    Reason to join: Need a player who does not dislike Asian players

    Hello and thank you for applying! We have a big diversity of players so no need to worry! Your discord name isn't on the application - only the numbers so if you don't mind fixing that, I'll go ahead and allow you in the crew afterwards


  2. 919069166957379604.gif?size=96&quality=losslessfbe22b86f52d70dfa4e763f8c8a4b3e7.png919069166957379604.gif?size=96&quality=lossless

    Just to be 100% here, if you're looking to be in this discord server for the purpose of RMT or anything like scamming and so on, click away.
    This isn't the server for you.

    This server is specifically dedicated towards the marketplace for C:C! Ranging from bits sellers, giveaways, media and so on.




  3. 29 minutes ago, Siso said:

    IGN: 라벨



    가입이유 : 번역기를 사용하고 있으며,

    영어를 잘 못하는 한국인들도 받아줄지 모르겠지만 길드 없이는 하기 힘든 게임이라 진심으로 함께 하고 싶습니다.


    Hello! I used Google translate as well - go ahead and apply in-game by pressing the "L" key and type in "Origin" when you look for a crew. We will accept you as soon as possible! The server is currently down but should be up later on.

    Thank you! ♡ looking forward to helping:leviahappy:

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