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  1. The guide has been updated!
  2. Gearing guide is being close to done! Here's a bit of sneak peek images if you're curious!
  3. We had a level skipping event 3 months ago - because of this coming to C:C for the first time, we aren't sure whether it'll come back or not soon.
  4. Document now updated Abyssal Hell Levia Skill Tunes 1st row - [Flash of Pain Tune] 2nd row - [EX Horn Smash] 3rd row - [Possessed Spirit]
  5. Levia's Skill Patches Buffed or Nerfed? Buffed! She became much faster (Images sent in #off-topic on Discord) [Screaming Matan] Doesn't require to hold the skill key anymore. When holding down, you'll cast a one-hit. [Finishing Move 3 - Judgement Star] Can now be cast much faster. [EX - Fang Stab] Movement Speed increases when casting. More info here: Link to Skill Patches here: https://closers.nexon.com/News/Notice/View?n4ArticleSN=143296
  6. Gremory Arcade - Boss Mechanics New guide going over Arcade Gremory mechanics is out! I know it's been out for awhile but figured id make this for newcomers!
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