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  1. Disclaimer: These builds are mainly considering high damage output into account and don't take into account potential defensive builds or drop rate bonus builds. If you're interested in those refer to possible notes on each character's section or the suggestions of other players. All the build screenshots below don't include level increases you may be getting from trinket sets and so on. As such when you see something like Finishing Move 1 level 5, in reality, it'll be level 6 after accounting for trinket set bonuses. Lastly, they take into account the potential want of a player to play with all available Refined Skills. For some characters if you're not interested in playing with Refined Skills, levels of certain skills can be reduced. If you believe there is an overall better damage output build for any of the characters, feel free to DM me about it on discord (extradark) so we can discuss on it. Seha Seulbi Yuri J Misteltein Nata Levia Harpy Tina Violet Wolfgang Luna Soma Bai Seth Chulsoo Mirae Eunha Lucy Aeri
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