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Everything posted by Siath

  1. Ah I see, no worries then! Same really...ever since Mirae came out, she's been my main but have no idea when she gets her promotions, because after Black Hand, it doesn't say anything under "rank" lol. But I'll keep progressing then! I should be close to unlocking it lol. Also I think I will join! I've always respected Origin for many years for the amount of help they do for the community of CC, and frankly I wouldn't mind being apart of that! Even though I'm considered "low CP" I'll try to help out best I can lol. I've already looked over the link. Gonna send an application in-game tonight! Thank you again for your help Miia! ^^
  2. Thank you for the warm welcome back Miia! ^^ And thank you so much! I was confused by a lot of stuff, things like how to unlock Shadow Agent, progressing certain areas, I have looked up trying to find these out but to no avail, so...decided to go to forums lol! It's nice to see ye are still playing though, which tells me CC hasn't lost its touch! ^^. I've been following your guides, videos for years now, well at least until I took a break from the game lol. But I see, I'll go back to Hunter's Night then and see if there is a quest there for me! Same for Shadow Agent. On my main, Mirae, I have completed Busan, but I don't recall seeing the Promotion quest, so I'll go back and check it. And will it appear if at least 1 character from Rattus that completes all the main questline up to Busan or do I have to also get the other characters to that same spot for Shadow Agent Promotion since it's a Rattus-only thing? Also thank you for the guide video! I can already say it will help me a lot, so thank you! I hope you've been well during this crazy year. Really, I hope everyone here on CC hasn't had a rough year so far x.x. But thank ye again for your help, it's very much appreciated! :D Edit: Funny how we both edit our posts the same time, so I didn't see the part about the guild lol! But I see, to be honest...Origin always had a soft spot for me, I'll check out the link, though to be honest, I've kind of known about Origin for many years due to the high reputation! But I never actually wanted to ask because I was too shy at the time lol. I'll look it over though!
  3. Heya all, Siath here! I hope all is doing well this year for both in-game and IRL lol. Edit: I used to have my very old Tigerfang account on forums but sadly it seems I have lost it, so I guess this is will be my new forums account lol. So, I've recently returned to Code Closers due to missing the game a lot and heard about new updates that came out on it. So, I returned, got some nice goodies and whatnot and starting progressing the story again. So I finished Season 3 of the story (can't wait for Season 4!), unlocked the Awakening and now started to backtrack to old areas like Fantasy World: Dream Theater >>Reverse<< to clear what I haven't been able to. Manage to even get the "end-game" gear Immortal Searing Wind, now at a steady 7.9 million CP, I still want to improve, so my next step after getting the Immortal gear, would be the Lust Gear, however after progressing Fantasy World: Dream Theater >>Reverse<< a bit and finishing the quest that requires you to fight "Erosion, Glutton King's Core" there is no other quest beyond that. And the next dungeon which is the one that can allow you to get Lust gear, is still locked, saying that I need to complete the quest "[Lorelei] Mission." But, I can't seem to find it? I am max level, finished the previous missions, but this "[Lorelei]" quest won't appear for "Audience with Asmodeus." Am I missing something or no? I would like to unlock the Lust gear so it can allow me to farm towards Ocean King Triggers, Sloth gear, Shadow Agent Promotion but again, can't seem to progress nor find the quest. I know Code Closers is like Closers World as in, there isn't much difference between the quest conditions, however despite having this knowledge, it wasn't much help trying to figure it out on Closers World and I can't seem to find guides for unlocking "Audience with Asmodeus" either and I search for a good hour too lol, but there is a chance I missed it somewhere along the way. But still, any help will be appreciated! Also any good Crews to recommend? I've been thinking of joining one but I've been really busy lately which is making me reconsider because I rather not waste a slot. >.< But again, thank you in advance for any help, as an old member of this game, I still remember a LOT, but all of the new stuff in the game is a bit confusing lol. Also sad to see that the best translation error for (Fantasy Shard) aka "Jewish Oath" as it was called is fixed in normal Fantasy Dream Theater but that's ok, it'll live in memory lol. Best Regards, -Siath.
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