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Posts posted by Chiharu

  1. So, the chips section of the guide got a bit of a revamp.

    This, actually, was on my to-do list for a long ass time.

    I shit you now, every time I've wanted to update it, there was always new gacha to burn, newer content to do, something to do and I could never get to it.

    I FINALLY had the time to sit down and update it.


    It also comes with a revamped Reading Rainbow.


    Please use the Reading Rainbow with this section of the guide otherwise you are going to be lost as all of fuck.


    Thank me later.

  2. It has been a hot minute. I've been ok, I've just been chilling, playing the game, and streaming here and there. IJustDontLikeToNotifyAnyoneThatI'mStreamingIsAll

    Anyways, here's some Abyss content that you guys can watch on your free time. It's a long video though so yeah, just watch it when you're extremely bored.




  3. Ooook.

    Here is my revised Gear reading rainbow



    My revised Purification Ops reading Rainbow



    My revised SoP (Yod's Sea) reading Rainbow



    My revised Roach Raid reading Rainbow



    My revised Busan reading Rainbow



    My Revised Asmodeus reading rainbow



    And here's an update on PNA Quests




  4. 10 hours ago, heligos said:

    The problem is that with the material they give you, it will take an average of a year and a half collecting to go up to +25 and in that time interval you fall behind in terms of equipment and therefore damage

    You realize that enhancing is RNG and you can actually get up to +25 in lesser time than that, right?

  5. 4 minutes ago, heligos said:

    simply, the excuse of the ss/solomon accessories is incredible and by the way a +16 is nothing to play the current meta, with any team if there are no carryes you don't do shit this is more than confirmed, secondly nothing is requested in tray is simply that in the absence of updates and content we are, drifting and incidentally we depend on other players to do something does not make any sense and more so being a private server to see when it gets into his head that it is not that they give us free things is that it allows you to improve so that the player does not feel obligated to pay every month for a subscription that is useless more than a +16 of shit and hit 16 hours farming in planar gate to get the warfragment to fill 1 bar of shit that only goes up a single improvement knowing that from a +16 there are 9 more improvements. It would be understandable that to upload the last 5 improvements put money but below, it is impossible for you to walk with the +16 modules of asmodeus having those of mk and you cannot create a booster +17 at least you have to farm 1 month and a half to upload Just one improvement is very frustrating, you don't even craft it and the materials they give you are very scarce. That system needs improvement and they know it. This protest is not intended to measure anything, it's just to listen to the community because if you don't put more than $300 will not raise a +25 from +20 so imagine from a +16

    Actually, enhancing without spending, especially enhancing from +16 to +25 while f2p is doable. You literally just have to stack up vaccines and fuel, and although it will take a while to have enough resources to do it, it's still doable. You can even take your time with it. You really just need to know how to go about it, but it is doable.

  6. I agree with both. The server's not dead, it's just in it's slow period because everyone is waiting for new content to drop and playing other games while they are waiting and constantly saying "___ when" and "no eta" in the official discord server from time to time.

    You're not the first person who asked for this, I've seen many people ask for this and the only thing I can tell you is that you cannot expect everything to be handed to you on a silver platter. You have to work for it.

    If you feel like acting like Kaiba and be like "screw the rules, I have money" then why not just buy enhancement services if you feel like you can't enhance your stuff yourself. 

  7. So....what had happened was.... I was joking about pole dancing and I forgot that I had my chat on global chat and said this in global chat so me and a few others were joking about me pole dancing. 

    My bold ass, thinking I wasn't gonna drop a red, said that if I drop a red, I'll pole dance.

    Whelp...Yatebeo dropped a red so.... here we are.




  8. F to Babel Program

    Another Visual Frame for my collection

    Aeri's outfit looks ok

    Traning Wolf rerotate, o k

    It's a bow, bruh

    Nice rewards that they've added for the new released program



    "Guys, people are talking about not getting Wheel of Clownery after it not having some skill effects like Solomon. LET'S ADD SOME EFFECTS. STAT."

    "YES SIR."




    Lol, classic Naddic move. They should've done that prior to releasing the set to begin with. Either way, we got skill effects for Wheel of Clownery now with this update.


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