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Head of Forum Analyst
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Everything posted by Icarus

  1. Lovely Lace is now available in Bitna's Gacha! Duration: November 22nd, 2021 ~ December 13th, 2021 The set is available for characters up to Seth! This set comes with an Arms Accessory (Lovely Lace Armband) in 3 types. If you collect all of the pieces, you unlock a special portrait for your character (3 types)! Seha: Seulbi: Yuri: J: Misteltein: Nata: Levia: Harpy: Tina: Violet: Wolfgang: Luna: Soma: Bai: Seth:
  2. Deadman Recolours are now available as a limited time sale in the Cash Shop! Duration: October 25th, 2021 ~ November 15th, 2021 The set is available for all characters! This set comes in 4 types and a limited Falling Talisman Accessory! Seha: Seulbi: Yuri: J: Misteltein: Nata: Levia: Harpy: Tina: Violet: Wolfgang: Luna: Soma: Bai: Seth: Mirae: Chulsoo: Eunha: Lucy:
  3. Racing Girl is now available in Bitna's Gacha! Duration: October 25th, 2021 ~ November 22nd, 2021 The set is available for Seulbi, Levia, Harpy, Luna, Bai & Mirae! This set comes with a Chin Accessory (Racing Girl Parasol) in 3 types. If you collect all of the pieces, you unlock a special portrait for your character! Seulbi: Levia: Harpy: Luna: Bai: Mirae:
  4. Sweet Punk is now available in Bitna's Gacha! Duration: October 25th, 2021 ~ November 22nd, 2021 The set is available for all characters! This set comes with an Cheeks Accessory (Sweet Punk Earring) and an Effect (Sweet Punk Great Light) in 3 types. If you collect all of the pieces, you unlock a special portrait for your character (normal + special)! Seha: Seulbi: Yuri: J: Misteltein: Nata: Levia: Harpy: Tina: Violet: Wolfgang: Luna: Soma: Bai: Seth: Mirae: Chulsoo: Eunha: Lucy:
  5. Garden Party & Opera sets are now available as a limited time sale in the Cash Shop! Duration: October 5th, 2021 ~ October 26th, 2021 The set is available for characters up to Bai! This set comes with a Head Accessory (Opera Mask) in 3 types and a Back Accessory (White Balloon Wings) in 1 type. This set also comes with an alternate hairstyle in 3 types. Seha: Seulbi: Yuri: J: Misteltein: Nata: Levia: Harpy: Tina: Violet: Wolfgang: Luna: Soma: Bai:
  6. Ocean Romance is now available in Bitna's Gacha! Duration: October 11th, 2021 ~ November 1st, 2021 The set is available for J, Misteltein, Levia, Violet, Luna & Seth! This set comes with a Chin Accessory (Ocean Romance Badge) in 3 types. If you collect all of the pieces, you unlock a special portrait for your character! J: Misteltein: Levia: Violet: Luna: Seth:
  7. Ice Elf is now available in Bitna's Gacha! Duration: October 11th, 2021 ~ November 1st, 2021 The set is available for characters up to Chulsoo! This set comes with a Head Accessory (Ice Elf Headdress) in 3 types. If you collect all of the pieces, you unlock a special portrait for your character! Seha: Seulbi: Yuri: J: Misteltein: Nata: Levia: Harpy: Tina: Violet: Wolfgang: Luna: Soma: Bai: Seth: Mirae: Chulsoo:
  8. Ti-85 Pilot is now available in Bitna's Gacha! Duration: September 20th, 2021 ~ October 11th, 2021 The set is available for characters up to Seth! This set comes with an Arms Accessory (Ti-85 Pilot Wrist Watch) in 3 types. If you collect all of the pieces, you unlock a special portrait for your character! Seha: Seulbi: Yuri: J: Misteltein: Nata: Levia: Harpy: Tina: Violet: Wolfgang: Luna: Soma: Bai: Seth:
  9. In Wonderland is now available in Bitna's Gacha! Duration: September 20th, 2021 ~ October 11th, 2021 The set is available for all characters! This set comes with a Head Accessory (In Wonderland Blindfold) and Waist Accessory (In Wonderland Waist) in 3 types. It also comes with an extra Effect Accessory (In Wonderland Glowing), which is not needed to unlock the portrait. If you collect all of the pieces, you unlock a special portrait for your character! Seha: Seulbi: Yuri: J: Misteltein: Nata: Levia: Harpy: Tina: Violet: Wolfgang: Luna: Soma: Bai: Seth: Mirae: Chulsoo: Eunha: Lucy:
  10. I'm online on Discord every single day. You should also know that since I've talked to you there too. I also always make sure to say that if anyone has questions or concerns, ping me since I may be able to help. Harpy is also in the Discord daily, along with the other FOs and FA. We're always there if you have questions or concerns. As for "why does the staff not communicate with the players regarding the future developments", there are multiple reasons. If we could, we most likely would. Giving "updates" has backfired on us since people start to expect it. Even just saying "maintenance is on Monday" has people stalking our profiles on the day and constantly asking "maint when?" "what's in the maint?" etc. What happens if we're unable to deliver on that specific day? "lol staff can't do anything right". You may not realize it, but even the smallest word can be taken and ran with, so we have to always make sure we're explaining clearly enough and have to constantly repeat ourselves (because even if we e.g. post in a thread or the announcements channel, people still don't bother checking it). It's also not as easy as it sounds. It's not as simple as copy-pasting things and having them work-- updates can take days, weeks or months to perfect, and we still may have bugs on release. If we are comfortable enough with our progress, we may tease it here and there (we've had thread teasers, and even given smaller teasers to our Nitro boosters as a perk for supporting us). It should not be expected, though, because we can only do so much. I've had experience with this on Void. No matter how much "transparency" we gave, no matter how much we explained and clarified for people even when we didn't have to, it was never enough. I completely understand player's frustrations with not knowing what's coming next, however again, there's only so much we can do. I hope this clarifies things a bit. If you're not seeing us "communicate", then you may have missed it, since we do communicate fairly often.
  11. Magic Shuffle is now available in Bitna's Gacha! Duration: August 30th, 2021 ~ September 20th, 2021 The set is available for characters up to Eunha! This set comes with a Waist Accessory (Magic Shuffle Belt) in 3 types. If you collect all of the pieces, you unlock a special portrait for your character! Seha: Seulbi: Yuri: J: Misteltein: Nata: Levia: Harpy: Tina: Violet: Wolfgang: Luna: Soma: Bai: Seth: Mirae: Chulsoo: Eunha:
  12. Bitter n Sweet is now available in Bitna's Gacha! Duration: August 30th, 2021 ~ September 20th, 2021 The set is available for J, Violet, Luna, Soma, Chulsoo & Lucy! This set comes with a Chin Accessory (Bitter n Sweet Brooch) in 3 types. If you collect all of the pieces, you unlock a special portrait for your character! J: Violet: Luna: Soma: Chulsoo: Lucy:
  13. Next time, please edit your original reply with what you wanted to add instead of double-posting. I've merged the two posts together.
  14. Neo-Seoul Fox Spirit is still active in this rotation. Want to see what Neo-Seoul Fox Spirit looks like? Check it out in a previous thread [here]!
  15. Spring Fairy is now available in Bitna's Gacha! Duration: August 9th, 2021 ~ August 30th, 2021 The set is available for all females! This set comes with a Cheeks Accessory (Spring Fairy Earrings) in 3 types. If you collect all of the pieces, you unlock a special portrait for your character! Seulbi: Yuri: Levia: Harpy: Tina: Violet: Luna: Soma: Bai: Seth: Mirae: Eunha: Lucy:
  16. Arcade Girls is now available in Bitna's Gacha! Duration: August 9th, 2021 ~ August 30th, 2021 The set is available for Seulbi, Yuri, Harpy, Bai & Mirae! This set comes with a Hat Accessory (Arcade Girl Hat) and an Effect (Arcade Girl Light) in 1 type. If you collect all of the pieces, you unlock a special portrait for your character (Normal + Special versions, 1 type)! Seulbi: Yuri: Harpy: Bai: Mirae:
  17. Staff Info: Dev = Developer CM = Community Manager FO = Field Officer Head FA = Head of Forum Analysts FA = Forum Analyst Other: TSP = Transcendental Elixir (Also known as Transcendence Stone Preservative) OF/OL = Overflowing / Overflowing Lustful Gear (OF can refer to the dungeons in Purification Ops, OL can also refer to Office Life) PS = Precise Sloth Gear (Can also be referred to as RF)
  18. Unique/Rare Costumes: SS = Shining Star SV/SoV = Solomon's Vestments (SV can also refer to Summer Vacation) WoT = Wheel of Trinity DC/BoD/SoD = Dark Command (Also known as Brilliance of Darkness or Splendor of Darkness) CN = Cybernetics (Also known as Cyber) ZW = Zenith (Also known as Zenith Wings) NF/DZW = Nightfall (Also known as Dark Zenith Wings) Draco = Draconian Gacha Costumes: Alt = Alternate (Some sets have alternate pieces, can also refer to alternate characters) Acc = Accessory AW/ABW = Aqua Wave (Also known as Aqua Blue Wave) AG = Arcade Girls BnS = Bitter n Sweet CU/CUB = Cheer Up Boys CW = Cozy Winter DC = Dear Crescent (Not to be confused with d/c, disconnect) EBR = Eternal Black Rose FP = Floral Picnic GD = Ground Division GK = Goodnight Kiss HK = Housekeeper (Also known as Domestic/Domestic Housekeeper) HNB = Holy Night Bunny HnH/HH = Half and Half IE = Ice Elf IG = Imperial Guard LD = Little Devil LL = Lovely Lace LT = Lollipop Twist MB = Marching Band MC = Midnight Crusader MM/MsM = Midsummer Melody MS = Magic Shuffle MSC/MiS = Miracle School (Could potentially be abbreviated as MS) Neo Fox/NSFS = Neo-Seoul Fox Spirit NM = Nightmare (Can also refer to the Tiamat dungeons) OR = Ocean Romance OL = Office Life (Can also refer to Overflowing Lustful Gear) PO = Private Outing RB = Rhapsody Beach RG = Racing Girl RM = Relaxed Morning RW = Royal Winter (Also known as Snow Princess) SD = Starlight Dreamer SF/SkF = Sky Fleet (Can also refer to Spring Fairy) SF = Spring Fairy (Can also refer to Sky Fleet) SH = Santa's Helper SI = Summer Island SM = Serving Master SO = Sparkling Ocean SP = Sweet Punk SV/SuV = Summer Vacation (Can also refer to Solomon's Vestments) SW = Sunshine Wave SpW = Space Walk (Could potentially be abbreviated as SW) TS = Track Shooter TrS/TSh = Trouble Shooter (Could potentially be abbreviated as TS) TW = Training Wolf USS = UNION Secret Service UW = Urban Warrior VoL = Vow of Love WB = Windbreaker WD = Wild Downtown WL = Wonderland WR = White Rabbit WS = White Suit BS = Black Suit PS = Pink Suit Recolours: NOTE: These will always have "CC" infront of them to clarify that they are custom to our server. CCIE = Ice Elf Recolour (Sapphire, Ruby, Emerald) CCRW = Royal Winter Recolour (Claus, Pine, Twilight) CCWB = Windbreaker Recolour (Scarlight, Neon, Pastel) CCWL = Wonderland Recolour (Lost, Royal, Dreamy, Mad)
  19. Dungeons & Info: PvE = Player vs Environment (Refers to dungeons) PvP = Player vs Player (Refers to UNION Arena) FM = Finishing Move (A special move used as a finisher) PPR = Phase Power Release (Also known as Awakening) AA = Angel Awakening OA = Official Agent (Also known as OC [Official Crew] or Messenger/Contractor) SA = Special Agent (Also known as SC [Special Crew] or Resolver) TF = Task Force (Also known as Veteranus and the abbreviations below) BH = Black Hand GF = Good Fellas QoH = Queen of Hearts SnG/S&G = Sword & Girls TR = Triaina Rebellion PA = Prime Agent FC = Fatal Crew SA = Shadow Agent LF> = Looking for (e.g. LF>Carry, sometimes can be seen as W> [Want] or N> [Need] or LFP> [Looking for Party]) ch = Channel (e.g. LF>Carry ch1) tcp = Total Combat Power (People look for certain TCP for parties, e.g. LF>BB party TCP 3m+) -N, N/N (Refers to party slots available. E.g. raid parties would have 1/12 or -11 slots, normal dungeons would have 1/4 slots, or -3. Depends on dungeon) req = Requirement (e.g. TCP 3m+ req) x = Times (Usually next to a number, e.g. 15x = 15 times, 15 runs, etc.) Crew/Circle = Guild contri = Contribution (Also known as order, currency used in the Order Shop) daily/dailies = Order Dungeons (Refers to the top quests in the Order menu that change daily) d/c = Disconnect (e.g. "I d/c'd" = "I disconnected") EV = Event (e.g. LF> EV party, EV on icons) CD = Crew Dungeons (When you join a crew/circle new dungeons became available to you) PG = Planar Gate (Sometimes they will have numbers after them, e.g. PG75. That is a dungeon in Planar Gate that requires level 75 to enter) Puri = Purification Ops (Can refer to the area or the gear) SOP = Sea of Pollution (Refers to the dungeon in Purification Ops, also known as Yod's Sea/yod sea) Hell/OF = Dungeons (Refers to dungeons in Purification Ops) HN = Hunter's Night (Refers to the area) OC = Overclocked (Refers to the Wolfgang & Hoffman boss dungeons) BB/BBv1 = Beelzebub (Depending on context, refers to the first Beelzebub Raid or the side dungeons. Beelzebub can be refered to as the Binge King) BBv2 = Beelzebub Raid (Refers to the second raid dungeon, e.g. LF>BBv2 carry) NM/Tia/Tiamat = Dungeons (Depending on context, refers to the Tiamat nightmare dungeons or the depth and castle dungeons. NM can also refer to the costume Nightmare) Asmo = Asmodeus (Depending on context, refers to the first Asmodeus Raid or the side dungeons) Asmo v1/Asmo1/Asmo Ver1 = Asmodeus Raid (Refers to the first raid dungeon, e.g. LF>Asmo v1 party) Asmo v2/Asmo2/Asmo Ver2 = Asmodeus Raid (Refers to the second raid dungeon, e.g. LF>Asmo v2 party) MK = Machine King Belphegor Raid Belph = Machine King Belphegor Raid win7 = Windows 7 Users allowed in party (Usually in Raids, certain things can cause a Windows 7 user to disconnect)
  20. Buying/Selling/Trading: B> = Buying (e.g. B>Item/s, also seen as WTB> [Want to Buy]) S> = Selling (e.g. S>Item/s, also seen as WTS> [Want to Sell]) T> = Trading (e.g. T>Item to Other Item, also seen as WTT> [Want to Trade]) c/o = Current Offer (Usually the highest offer when someone is selling an item. e.g. S>Item 200m c/o) b/o = Buy Out (Buy an item instantly instead of offering. e.g. S>Item 400m b/o) PC> = Price Check (e.g. PC>Item) wm/pm/dm = Whisper me/Private Message me/Direct Message me (Used for a quicker response) ys/ms = Your seal/My seal (Some items need to be sealed before buying/selling/trading) fresh = Freshly aquired (Never un-sealed, already sealed, etc) Credits/Bits: k = Thousand (e.g. 1k = One Thousand) m = Million (e.g. 1m = One Million) b = Billion (e.g. 1b = One Billion} PGC = PixelGameCard (The donation method to obtain Bits, will always be in code form. e.g. B> $50 PGC code) For more information on PGC donations, check [here]. (To be added!)
  21. Welcome everyone, to my personal seminar! Today I'll be teaching you about "Abbreviations". Better get that cotton stuffing out of your ears and listen up to the genius of the century! In science, there are a ton of abbreviations... and it gets difficult to remember them all, even with my incredibly large brain! In the world of Closers, it's no different. So, out of the kindness of my heart, I'll be listing every abbreviation and what it means for you. You better be grateful, or I'll replace your head with one of my teddies! Each section will have it's own post, along with it's own category. I'm making it incredibly easy for you to find what you're looking for! If you're still having trouble, you can use ctrl+f and type in the abbreviation you're having trouble with. If you have any new abbreviations that are not listed in this thread, message my subordinate @Icarus about it! I don't have time to constantly be editing this myself. Oh, and the term "e.g." is going to be used a lot here. It means "example"! You better remember that. Without further ado, here we go! Study hard. Glossary: Buying/Selling/Trading & Credits/Bits: [Click Here] Dungeons & Info: [Click Here] Unique/Rare Costumes, Gacha Costumes & Recolours: [Click Here] Staff Info & Other: [Click Here] A huge shout out to the community for helping this guide come to life!
  22. Neo-Seoul Fox Spirit is now available in Bitna's Gacha! Duration: July 19th, 2021 ~ August 30th, 2021 The set is available for all females! This set comes with a Hat Accessory (Neo-Seoul Fox Spirit Ears) & Waist Accessory (Neo-Seoul Fox Spirit Tail) in 3 types (2 versions each). If you collect all of the pieces, you unlock a special portrait for your character! Seulbi: Yuri: Levia: Harpy: Tina: Violet: Luna: Soma: Bai: Seth: Mirae: Eunha: Lucy:
  23. Aqua Wave is now available in Bitna's Gacha! Duration: July 19th, 2021 ~ August 9th, 2021 The set is available for all characters! This set comes with a Chin Accessory (Aqua Wave Clownfish) and an alternate Top/Bottom Piece in 3 types. If you collect all of the pieces, you unlock a special portrait for your character (Normal + Alternate versions, 1 type)! Seha: Seulbi: Yuri: J: Misteltein: Nata: Levia: Harpy: Tina: Violet: Wolfgang: Luna: Soma: Bai: Seth: Mirae: Chulsoo: Eunha: Lucy:
  24. Sailor Recolours are now available as a limited time sale in the Cash Shop! Duration: July 19th, 2021 ~ August 9th, 2021 The set is available for characters up to Wolfgang! This set comes with an alternate top (males) and alternate bottom (females) in 3 types. Seha: Seulbi: Yuri: J: Misteltein: Nata: Levia: Harpy: Tina: Violet: Wolfgang:
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