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Posts posted by Chiharu

  1. Yes, after all this time, I am finally recruiting.

    Yes, the guild is level 10.

    Yes, we have buffs.



    Yes, we have reputation buffs.




    No, we don't have a fucking inactivity rule. 


    Yes, we don't give a fuck if you're new, experienced, or whatever the fuck.


    Yes, we do crew dungeon here. Whatever works.


    The only thing we ask of you is to act like you have some fucking common sense and don't do any stupid shit. That's literally all we ask of you.

    Now, before I place this discord link down, we're going to have some ground rules.

    - Keep in mind that you will be in MY discord. Try to join just to start some shit and you will find out how much of a bitch I can be. This is a new discord. I threw my old one out. Try to come in just to be petty and I'll make sure you get the reaction you're looking for.

    - I help people outside of my guild too. If you're coming in just for help, sure. If you're a friend of mine and coming in just to be a guest, sure. Leave the bullshit at the door and we'll all have a good time.

    - Come in with the intention to CHILL. I had to underline that because some people are hardheaded as fuck and don't know how to read.


    Imma warn you again. 

    If you come in to start some shit, expect the reaction you may or may not be looking for. Nothing but Space and Opportunity.




    If you're interested, you can either apply in-game, slap your IGN here or whatever rocks your boat.


    If you need to find me on discord to talk about joining the crew...or guild...whatever.


    Finding me in the C:C discord is not that hard. If you're too lazy to join the C:C discord, then add chiharuhyuga, I guess.


    Please do not join my crew just for the sake of stirring up drama. I promise you that you will regret it later on. I only ask if you join solely for the sake of wanting to chill.



  2. So, I added a new section to my guide after lurking the C:C Discord and seeing numerous people ask how to grind credits. This is somewhat of a summed version and some of the information is subjected to change as we get newer content.

    Imma slap the link to the section here.

    However, I updated the first page of this thread with the information of this section of the guide aka just look on the first page and scroll down if you want to read it.

    How to Grind Credits

  3. Yeah. This server is a discord server that I've been in for over 5 years.

    The owner of the server is a good friend of mine. We go waaayyyyyy back before I even came back to CODE: Closers.

     This server has been around when I used to be a moderator for a public server for a YT Channel.

    He created this place for people to hang out and chill. He let me be an admin in it.


    If you're looking for a place to just chill and talk or a place for emotes, I have this server.

     You don't have to be in any crew or anything, it's literally just chilling here.



    P.S: For those who try to join just to be petty. We don't have time for that shit here. Don't bother. I've already have taken precautions beforehand. ♥

    Yeah, don't bring that shit here. We're chill here. NoticeHowISaidChillThreeTimesInThisPostIThinkByNowYouShouldGetTheClearHint

  4. Yeah, this was actually on my to-do list for like.....months.


    You heard me.


    I could never get around to doing it because I was so busy.

    Bless, I feel relieved now....



    Whew, now I can finally rest knowing that I FINALLY got this shit done. LMAOO




  5. So, the chips section of the guide got a bit of a revamp.

    This, actually, was on my to-do list for a long ass time.

    I shit you now, every time I've wanted to update it, there was always new gacha to burn, newer content to do, something to do and I could never get to it.

    I FINALLY had the time to sit down and update it.


    It also comes with a revamped Reading Rainbow.


    Please use the Reading Rainbow with this section of the guide otherwise you are going to be lost as all of fuck.


    Thank me later.

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